Export your Kobo e-reader highlights to text files

For free! No login required. Works with all Kobo e-readers. Just upload your KoboReader.sqlite file and we'll extract all your highlights for you, neatly organized per book.

Used by 269 others

Plug in your Kobo e-reader

Using a USB cable.

Upload KoboReader.sqlite file

This file is located in the .kobo folder on your e-reader. The file might be hidden (see FAQ below for how to unhide).

Get your hightlights in markdown

We sort your highlights, make a markdown text file per book, then zip all files together.

Instruction animation

Get your highlights neatly organized per book

Output notes example
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Import your highlights into your favourite note-taking app

Like Notion, Obsidian or any other that accepts Markdown files.

Frequently Asked Questions

The file is located in the '.kobo' folder on your Kobo e-reader. By default, this folder is hidden. You need to adjust your settings in Finder (Mac) or Explorer (Windows) to see hidden files. On Mac, while in the Kobo e-reader folder, press command + shift + . to show hidden files. On Windows, in File Explorer, click on the 'View' tab, then check the box 'Hidden items'. Still can't find the file? Shoot us a message using the 'Feedback' button at the bottom of the page. Please mention which type of Kobo e-reader you're using. We might be able to fix the issue.

We only fetch the highlights from the database file. We return those to you in markdown text files, one for each book, all zipped together. Once this process is done, we delete all your data. We don't use or sell your data for any other purpose. Also, good to know there is no sensitive data like personal info or payment info in the database file, so no need to worry about that.